Opening sequence-Little Blue

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Prelim script

Prelim Script
The opening sequence is set in school; Rachel is waiting for Sharon who arrives late.

Ext- the camera gives us a mid shot of Rachel sitting on the bench waiting for Sharon

Where is this girl
Sharon comes out of leisure centre and approaches Rachel
Hey Girl
Close up of Rachel
(Action reaction shot)
I’ve been waiting for ages
(Over the shoulder shot)
I’m sorry I’m buy your chips
(Close up)
(Two shot)
They both get up and leave and we get a long shot as they walk off

Open sequence research

Open sequence

This storyline links in with my chosen genre, the theme of the movie is what my group will like to capture.

The movie starts of with a close up of a baby’s face, so we automatically assume this may be linked in with family genre or children’s story. There is fairytale like music soundtrack used this shows elements of fantasy like movie. There is a voice over explaining what is happening this also emphasises on the genre. We get a sense of character when the father is at the hospital and he seems unhappy and grumpy after seeing the baby. It then cuts away to him and his wife we get a long shot of them walking fast this suggests to us that they are in a rush to get away from the baby. We already pick up signs that there maybe some rivalry this seen when the baby is is dumped in the back of the car this shows lack of compassion and security for the baby. The baby is isolated from the family; the son is secured compared to the baby.
As the family pull to the house we get a voice over claiming that the family were not nice people so we get a sense of characters and storyline.

Shooting Schedule


Tuesday 16 March 2010

Opening Sequence Script Remake

Int. Corridor. Day
Production title in Blue screen fades to view of ceiling, a light hangs down, and a florescent patthern shawdowed in bright light onto the ceiling, glowing . Moves gently down and across from the top right until it reaches a door slowly coming into the centre of the frame. A subtle daylight highlights through the spaces around the door as the door opens and the room is being slowly revealed, light grows brighter as we move closer toward it. As the door is opening we continue to move forward into the room.

Int. Bedroom. Day
A fairytale like room is revealed to us. Long shot of toys fill the room, shelf of books, table filled with pens, paper and a fairytale book, toys, and children type possessions, fairytale like snow globes, this is shown through a pan, establishing the setting, a bedroom. We look across to the shelf of books; we see a close up of the books. Fairytale books are lined up across the self, some battered some new. We follow on from the right to left as it leaves the pan of books and moves towards the left, going into a pan of a table we see coloured pens scattered on top of a drawing, some few pens have lids off. We then see an open book lying across the corner of the bottom left side of the table, opened in the middle. Moving along past the table. We next see the bed, with a teddy bear on the front right corner of the bed. As we get closer to the foot of the bed LITTLE BLUE walks to the bed side and picks up a blue bag. She walks away and to us is revealed from behind her a picture frame. We look closer to the frame on the bedside table as it closes in on the picture of a family. From left to right we see the FATHER, LITTLE BLUE, and MOTHER and further away STEP SISTER. Then fades to a blue screen. Fades to blue screen and title ‘Little Blue’ appears.

Open sequence script

Int. Corridor. DayBlack screen fades to view of ceiling, a light hangs down. Moves gently down and across to the right until a wooden door is seen in the centre of the frame. A glow from the cracks in the door begin to show and grow brighter as we move closer toward it, as we move forward the handle begins to turn and the door slowly opens. As the door is opening we continue to move forward into the room.I

Int.Bedroom. DayA fairytale like room is revealed to us. Pink walls, flower patterns and toys fill the room, a tall bookcase stands to the left. We look across to the bookcase, we see a close up of the books. Fairytale books are lined up across the self, some battered some new. We follow on to the right to the table in the room centre. An open book lies across it, along with sweets and coloured pens. We see a close up of the pens and move along past the table. We next see the bed, with a teddy bear on the end. As we get closer to the foot of the bed a LITTLE BLUE walks to the bed side and picks up a blue bag. She walks away and reveals form behind her a picture frame. We look closer to the frame on the bedside table as it closes in on the picture of a family. From left to right we see the FATHER, LITTLE BLUE, and MOTHER and further away STEP SISTER. Then fades to a blue screen. Fades to blue screen and title ‘Little Blue’ appears.

Script 1st draft

Int. Corridor. Day
Black screen fades to view of ceiling, a light hangs down. Moves gently down and across to the right until a wooden door is seen in the centre of the frame. A glow from the cracks in the door begin to show and grow brighter as we move closer toward it, as we move forward the handle begins to turn and the door slowly opens. As the door is opening we continue to move forward into the room.Int.Bedroom. DayA fairytale like room is revealed to us. Pink walls, flower patterns and toys fill the room; a tall bookcase stands to the left. We look across to the bookcase; we see a close up of the books. Fairytale books are lined up across the self, some battered some new. We follow on to the right to the table in the room centre. An open book lies across it, along with sweets and colored pens. We see a close up of the pens and move along past the table. We next see the bed, with a teddy bear on the end. As we get closer to the foot of the bed a LITTLE BLUE walks to the bed side and picks up a blue bag. She walks away and reveals form behind her a picture frame. We look closer to the frame on the bedside table as it closes in on the picture of a family. From left to right we see the FATHER, LITTLE BLUE, and MOTHER and further away STEP SISTER. Then fades to a blue screen. Fades to blue screen and title ‘Little Blue’ appears.

Ext. establishing shot of outside of school

STEP SISTER: Oi! (Throwing a scrunched ball of paper at LITTLE BLUE)

LITTLE BLUE turns around in disappointment; she isn’t shocked, as if this has happened many times.

STEP SISTERS FRIENDS: (2 of them giggling devilishly in amusement, they each stand aside the step sister)

LITTLE BLUE: o go away I haven’t got any lunch money for today.

Well you know the drill.

STEP SISTERS FRIENDS approach LITTLE BLUE, STEP SISTER is at the middle front of the two, looking like a leader, and their facial expressions turn bitter and ugly.

STEP SISTER: get her!
(She bares her teeth at LITTLE BLUE)

LITTLE BLUE gasps and runs away from the bullies
Camera tracks LITTLE BLUE running into a valley

Ext. Valley, outside

LITTLE BLUE pants for air as she hides behind the bins in the corner of the valley, she bends forward resting her hands on her slightly bent knees she leans her head forward looking down regaining her breath. Suddenly a noise is heard; sounds of crackling leaves through heavy but slow footsteps get louder. LITTLE BLUE jumps up thinking it’s the bullies, she throws her right foot first to sprint away. A hand touches LITTLE BLUES back.

Whispering with a croaky voice
Old witch: they’re gone, they’re gone

LITTLE BLUE turns around, are settles still.

Tell me, why so blue?

LITTLE BLUE breaks out into a roar of whiney crying and tears.
i-i cant take this no more, she wont stop bullying me, her and all the other mean girls. I don’t know w- w- why (her voice weakens and crumbles down)

OLD WITCH: hush hush child, don’t worry.

…who might these bullies be?

LITTLE BLUE: (looks down) my step sister and her friends

Old witch: oh child..
She gently drops her right hand into her pocket, and slips out 3 pebble sized sweets each wrapped in see-through creased wrappers. All three different colour’s luminous blue, red and yellow.

LITTLE BLUE: (curiously) what’s that?

OLD WITCH: It’s the sweetest thing

LITTLE BLUE, looks at the lady for more answers, her eyes shift side to side


OLD WITCH: give it to those horrid girls and horrid they shall be no more.
But… do not eat them, and do not let anyone but the bullies eat them or it will go horribly wrong

LITTLE BLUE: what will go wrong?

OLD WITCH: the magic!

A shuffling of leaves is heard behind blue,
Blue jumps again and turns instinctively, no one is there, she puts her head back to the front. The old lady is gone. In dead silence blue stands alone with three pebble sized sweets lay wraped inside LITTLE BLUES closed fist.

LITTLE BLUE gasps in shock

staring down at her hand lay out with sweets on it
LITTLE BLUE: whispers to herself
Oh my, how did it get there?

The scene closes, cutting away to the next scene

Int. bedroom, day.

LITTLE BLUE is in her step sisters bedroom, cleaning and rushing around tidying all her sisters belongings. Her sister storms in.

Step sisters mouth extends open like a lion

STEP SISTER: get out get out! What do you think you’re doing!

LITTLE BLUE: I- im just tidying you’re-

STEP SISTER: things. My things! Oh look at you, acting like some kind of angel! Just stop it, seeking all my attention as usual.

LITTLE BLUE: (holds her head down, and runs out the room)

Ext. establishing school, outside, daytime

Int. Classroom, daytime.

The classroom is busy with children all fiddling in their seats, chattering of children is heard, giggling too. We then focus on three girls sitting at one table, the step sister in the middle. The step sister is whispering in her friends ears, an evil grin gradually grows on all their faces as they whisper and giggle, they focus there eyes on LITTLE BLUE sitting on the table in front of them. The step sister reaches out for little blues bag slouched beside the back of the chair. The sister quietly takes the bag without LITTLE BLUE noticing. The girls giggle louder as they rummage through the bag, when findings the 3 colourful sweets they take it out, the two friends unwrap the sweets straight into there mouth while the step sister takes her time she takes her sweet beginning to unwrap it.

STEP SISTER: ooo Blueeeeeeeeee!

To LITTLE BLUES shock she jumps to grab the sweet off, no no don’t eat it.. it’s it’s-

FRIENDS: go on get your sweet revenge!

The step sister picks the sweet from the wrapper, moving it closer towards her mouth.

LITTLE BLUE: it’s magic sweets, no, its dangerous

First Draft of storyboard

Prop List

Prop List

Teddy Bears
Cushions x 2
Duvet set - girly colours and patterns
Coloured pens
Drawings x 2
Picture and frame
Blue coat

Location Recce

Location Details

Our location is set at Rachel’s room. We thought it would be better to shoot in an actual bedroom rather than using the green room. We will be panning across her room to show elements of our character and our genre, our genre is fantasy/children story so we wanted to show this aspect with our use of props and location.

Possible problems
Possible problems are that the room is too spacious and we may not have enough props to fill her room. Secondly because is older we are afraid her room may be too mature as to what kind of age we were going for.

Risks assessments
Time taken to film. When using natural lighting will change throughout the day (continuity).

Character Profile

Character Profiles

'Little Blue'

Little Blue is our main character in the story, she is only known as Little Blue though out the film to keep to a fairy tale theme, we decided this while studying story's like Red Riding Hood.
However, if we were to name her we would call her Lucy Mills, simply because we felt it suited our image of her

Little Blue was born to love, she easily feels other peoples sadness and can empathise.She does all she can to change it and them cheer up.

She's 10 years old

Born September 15th 1999

A Virgo, making her a an energetic, talkative child.Who is reliable and hard working.

And was born under the Chinese year of the Rabbit, which makes her lucky, a symbol of mercy, elegance, and beauty. She is kind, speaks gently, is peaceful, quiet and a loving person.

Her family include, Father, Mother and Step Sister

She's a active girl and loves to play active games like Skipping rope

She is currently in Year 6 and absolutely loves her school, her classmates, teachers and love for learning makes it one of her favourite places to be.

For her hobbies she likes nothing more than to read her vast collection of books, Cinderella being a favourite and drawing colourful pictures.She also enjoys her skipping rope and tennis with her Father and friends.

She can be very laid back, and takes things as they come along, and has a relaxed nature about her work and life, although she always tries her best when doing it.

Some of her likes are...

Food - Sweets, Lemon pie and butter cream cake

Colour - Blue (of course)

Music - the piano music her father listens to

Season - Winter and Autumn, because she likes the leaf colours and jumping in leaf piles.Also because she loves snow and Christmas

Pass time - she enjoys her bubble baths and can spend hours in the tub

Her dislikes...

Food - Eggs , seafood and pumpkin (she will refuse to eat one bite of it)

Colour - grey and dark green

Music - pop music (to loud)

She also dislikes when others are inconsiderate or laughs at other misfortune

Her only fear is being lost or alone. She was most scared when she was separated from her family at a theme park.Her sister was first to find her.

Storyboard and Photo storyboard

Storyboard re-draft

After feedback from the class we chose to redraft our storyboard following it. The comments we got were that the first frame of a black screen should be changed to blue, to suit the story theme.
In addition that we should show more shots of tracking into the room to make the movement clearer.
And finally the camera shot of the picture frame should be broken into two shots, one zooming onto the 3 family members, then paning across to the step sister.