Opening sequence-Little Blue

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Open sequence research

Open sequence

This storyline links in with my chosen genre, the theme of the movie is what my group will like to capture.

The movie starts of with a close up of a baby’s face, so we automatically assume this may be linked in with family genre or children’s story. There is fairytale like music soundtrack used this shows elements of fantasy like movie. There is a voice over explaining what is happening this also emphasises on the genre. We get a sense of character when the father is at the hospital and he seems unhappy and grumpy after seeing the baby. It then cuts away to him and his wife we get a long shot of them walking fast this suggests to us that they are in a rush to get away from the baby. We already pick up signs that there maybe some rivalry this seen when the baby is is dumped in the back of the car this shows lack of compassion and security for the baby. The baby is isolated from the family; the son is secured compared to the baby.
As the family pull to the house we get a voice over claiming that the family were not nice people so we get a sense of characters and storyline.

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