Opening sequence-Little Blue

Wednesday 14 October 2009

5min filming

Evaluation for task 2
This task was set to see how well cope with the time set for us, we were given 10 minutes to show a person looking at a another cast member. We also had to find a location and discuss who was filming and who will fill in the continuity sheet.We were instructed to get into groups and follow through the pre production and production process, Our first instruction was to get into a group of three, and it has to be with different people, I found that we all had similar ideas so as a group it helped because we were able to work at a fast pace. We shared similar qualities like knowing how to set up a camera and tripod so we were able to get this out the way. We all agreed on the type of shots we would like to use like long shots, two shot etc. We all contributed to the task very well because we were able to share out the different roles.Our task went well we were able to get all our elements, although we had minimum time and minimum shots we fitted all our shot. Overall I would say it was successful because there was great team work we connected well and managed not to argue.However it was very disorganised because there were other groups, they were in they way of our shots and because we had little time we were all over the place.we all ended up having to take turns in filming our shots, we had to stand and watch, and wait, so every time a group filmed, two other groups loose out in terms of time, and caused us to waste time and delay.Other problems we faced were that when it came to shooting in a certain areas we had to wait a long time because most of the class were using our spot. Other problems we faced were background noises and a lot of people walking pass because we were in a public place where a lot of students and teachers pass by. Another problem we came across was that because we were in a rush to get in all our shots there was not enough time to fill in the continuity sheet, so at the end of shoot we filled it in. This was a big mistake because you don’t remember how many you took etc.If I was to do this task again I would ask members of my class where they are shooting so we don’t clash, and also do our shoot in a less public place to avoid background noises and people walking pass. I will also organise our group so we have a cmaera person , someone filling the continuity sheet and the other helping with the props etc. I am extremely pleased because with the time we had we learnt alot and can definatley learn from my mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. Thelma you have quite clearly rushed this piece of homework, which is evident through your lack of grammar and punctuality.

    You have failed to cover all the points set as homework giving specific examples from your task. You will need to complete this homework task again showing more effort covering the following areas;
    1. Personal objective of the task
    2. What you feel went well within the task and why?
    3. Any problems that you faced, individually and/or a group. How did you solve it?
    4. What you would have done differently?
    5. Key skills used and learnt
    6. Summary of the task

    DEADLINE: Friday 16th Oct 3pm
