Opening sequence-Little Blue

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Film Maker

Film Making
Film making is such a huge process especially from an independent film maker here i will give details as to how all of this is possible and how some of the excellent films are produced.

It all starts with the production where the independent film maker must have a good idea, this helps with the concept for a film. After going through these stages the writer will create story boards and scripts and drafts etc. Since the introduction of DV technology, the means of production have become more democratized. Filmmakers can conceivably shoot and edit a film, create and edit the sound and music, and mix the final cut on a home computer. However, while the means of production may be democratized, financing, distribution, and marketing remain difficult to accomplish outside the traditional system. Most independent filmmakers rely on film festivals to get their films noticed and sold for distribution. However, the Internet has allowed for relatively inexpensive distribution of independent films; many filmmakers post their films online for critique and recognition. Although there is little profitability in this, a filmmaker can still gain exposure via the web.

This process doesn’t finish there they still have to go through film screening where the displaying of a motion picture or film. Sometimes the term refers to a special showing as part of a film's production and release cycle, but it is also used for a routine event open to the public. To show the film to best advantage an independent film maker would probably use people from their website where they’ve published or friends and family. There are a number of screenings that a film maker may use:

Test screening
For early edits of a film, informal test screenings are shown to small target audiences to judge if a film will require editing, reshooting or rewriting. At this stage the film may be incomplete, with missing or unfinished special effects shots or sound effects, or dialogue not yet rerecorded. Audience responses are usually recorded informally. Test audiences may be required not to discuss the film. A film may go through several test screenings.
Focus group screening
Focus group screenings are formal test screenings of a film in what is hoped to be its final form, with very detailed documentation of audience responses. Target audience members answer survey questionnaires and are usually interviewed, sometimes on video. Focus audiences may be required not to discuss the film
Critic screenings
Critic screenings are held for national and major market critics well in advance of print and television production-cycle deadlines, and are usually by invitation only.
Private screenings
Private screenings are provided for investors, marketing and distribution representatives, and VIP media figures.
Preview screenings
Preview screenings are for the public, sometimes at boutique theaters (which may not be scheduled as a release theater). These may serve as final test screenings used to adjust marketing strategy (radio & TV promotion, etc.) or the film itself.
Sneak preview
A sneak preview is a film screening before formal release, with the usual charge for admission. The purpose of sneak previews is to gain additional publicity and word-of-mouth exposure for the movie.
General release
After all the above, the film goes on general release if taken up by a film distributor.

Before the film maker goes through preview screening, sneak preview and general release those are some of the different types of screening they may go through to see how they can improve their film.
So the film maker has publicised their film all over the net to friends etc but how are they able to win the big companies without having to lift a finger simple! The more popular your film becomes the more a big company is interested this way an independent film maker does not have to go out a find a company they come them. From here once the company has spotted their work they then go on and start producing the film and publicising it from music videos to adverts. Both the company and the film maker gain money if the public are drawn to this. A downfall for this is that because the company are putting money towards it they may change and new things. Not all independent film makers rely on companies some make it through without them and produce good films that you and i watch today. Lastly is the distribution of the film where the film is finally at theaters, and for home viewing (DVD, Video-On-Demand, Download, Television etc).

Film making process is made easier if its an independent one where its your own ideas you decide where to publish it etc compared to a big production because all they are interested in is the money they will re shape change and you may not have that much of a say because they have the money. Many independent film makers mainly relied on big companies but because film making has become democratized anything is possible.

Here is an example on YouTube showing an independent film maker where people can view his film and criticise and give views about what they thought.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Thelma. Some interesting facts here which will be useful when you come to writing your evaluations.
