Opening sequence-Little Blue

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Preliminary Task Evaluation

In my preliminary task I was partners with Esma we both came up with a number of ideas which we felt were short and easy to produce, because we were thinking a like we managed to come up with similar ideas. Although we came up with good ideas I had trouble keeping it short rather than sticking to the time we were given. We both put in a lot off effort and worked well rather than splitting the tasks. We were unable to meet up on the weekends so we decided to dedicate out time on periods we had off which limited how much we could’ve put in because we only had a few hours and our timetables were different so it was harder to find days that benefited both of us. If I could change anything I would put more time into my task so that I am completely satisfied with the end result. Another weakness I had was I should have used more action reaction, over shoulder etc I feel that if I used more of these our production may have come out more to how we wanted. A strength we had was we worked well as a group no arguments minor frustration but beyond that there was good team effort there.

We planned our sequence according to what we felt will be easier, so some of our scenes were shot in one scene and the other’s in another this way it prevents time wasting and when it comes to editing we can just put our scenes into order. We both did our storyboards together came up with camera angles etc this was strength because when it came to shooting we knew exactly what was happening in each shot.

To complete our task we used a canon xh-a1 we both set up the camera from how we previously learnt how to set up a camera. I made sure the tripods were at a level which we could use, and then we set up the camera b putting it on automatic making sure we placed in our battery and tape. We also made sure the camera was on steady and the bubble was in the circle. Lastly we had to make sure all parts of our camera were steady like the handle and the tripods. From using the camera I learnt camera movement zooming in and out and other camera techniques. I also learnt that the camera picks up a lot of sounds so we had to be very precise.

The factors we took into account was knowing that where our location was a lot of people will be walking pass so we had to do it at a reasonable time where we are not affected by this. Another factor was continuity we had to make sure the props costume and weather was the same at all the times.

The most successful part of our sequence was that we were able to get in all our shots and finish on time; I and my partner were satisfied with the shots. A downfall for our shot is that we didn’t add enough continuity or showing inferior and superior shots, I would have liked more camera effects. Another lowlight was that one of the casts did not put enough enthusiasm into her character. Overall we achieved what we could and manage to keep record of our shots.
From completing this task I have learnt that filming is a very long and frustrating process. Another area which I should improve is showing lack of interest when I am feeling frustrated, another factor is preparing the cast before filming so that we avoid time wasting. Our organization skills were god we had prepared before hand with whose shooting taking notes etc. We all get along so group work went well no arguments surprisingly enough. Lastly our technical skills were good because we all helped each other out if we were lost or confused, we had no problems because we all supported each other.

Editing was very time consuming because firstly it was it was our first time editing so it took quite some time to pick up on editing. Secondly we had problems with sound we couldn't hear what was going on, however we overcame this as we did a few adjustments with the volume on our computers and we used headphones. Another problem we had was that one of our shots had an missing part which we couldn't go back and re record, and we found it was an disadvantage moreover we couldn't change this dilemma but we managed to make it less noticeable we definately learnt from this that you should follow your story boards at all times

1 comment:

  1. Thelma,

    You have not posted any of the work on opneing sequences or director's commentary. I will be looking for this as part of Research and Planning. It should include clips and analysis
