Opening sequence-Little Blue

Thursday 5 November 2009

Lord of the rings
Lord of the Rings the whole of the beginning sets the tension up for the rest of the movie. The first 2 minutes of that will draw you into watching the entire movie, no matter what you're doing. You will stop what you're doing, and watch it till it ends. They have a voice over which explains what is happening so the audience are more intrigued as to what is happening. They use lowkey lighting but at the same time there are flashy parts, these are used to keep the audience focused and geta sense that people are having war with each other. During the first scene there are alot of men this shows that war links in with men. The theme music is very fast and mysterious goes very well with the concept of the movie. The cast are extremely good actors so they help build up the tension more. The camera is able to show all elements which the voice over is explaining.The beginning of the film all ties in with the genre that its a fantasy/drama because og the war and the magic ring. The beginning really engages the audience because of the voice over and the flashing lights, but throughout the first few minutes we wanted to know what the ring was conveying so we felt confused. I think this is what the directed tried to do so the audience keep asking questions. I think by leaving us in suspense was a smart choice because we literally wanted to know what will happen next.

What makes a good Opening
A good opening is if you have captured the audience with something that keep them focus. In addition to this if the theme of the music goes well with the movie and keeps us alert. Thirdly if the actors are good at making the storyline understandable and intriguing, another element is if the camera person has shown the audience what they need to see and keeping it sharp, clean and flowing. The opening scene has to play a role in keeping their audience interested.


  1. The analysis of LOTR opening seems very short and doesn't meet the criteria you were set. You are missing the key technical terms we covered in class. You need to go into a lot more detail - how does the music highlight the themes of the film? What are the themes of the film? What interesting shots are seen? What is the effect of mise en scene?

  2. P.S I cannot seem to find any work on fairy tales on your blog??
