Opening sequence-Little Blue

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Analysis of Kill Bill

The movie starts of with a voice over of a woman breathing; the camera is going at a slow pace and leading us to the location of the sound. The breathing gradually turns into a diegetic on screen where a woman is placed n the floor with cuts and bruises. We get a close up of the woman’s face this gives us a sense of the character. Through this first scene we see that the women is fragile and scared, we get a high angle shot of the woman showing that she is inferior. Another character is introduced and a dialogue has taken place. We also see that the man is superior because we get a low angle shot of the man; we get a sense that he is violent. Ambient lighting is used throughout the first scene stays black and white. There is a lot of sound used throughout the first scene there is a lot of music to build tension which goes with the theme of the movie which is revenge and violence. Another aspect of sound used is diegetic off screen where we here the sound of a gun shot but the gun is not shown but we know it’s been used because the woman stops breathing. Other sound used was the soundtrack which was played towards the end of the movie the lyrics were ‘’bang bang he shot me down’’ this gives us taster of what may happen in the movie. During the editing the director tries to use alt of clues in the first scene so that the audience keep asking questions. The camera movements show us status, sense of character and place. We are automatically introduces to characters and their backing story. Each cutaway flows to show why he woman was shot. The first scene explains the concept of the movie using sound , movement and lighting.

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