Opening sequence-Little Blue

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Opening scenes


At the beginning we feel uneasy because we are unaware of what is going on because we see an empty car park with only one driver. There are many types of soundtrack being played, this builds up tension as to what the director wanted us to feel. The way the scene is set up is as though the cast member is up to something because of the soundtrack and that there’s no dialogue. The use of props of the man wearing all black shows that he may be a crook.

Director’s commentary

He wanted us to question what the cast were up to, to keep us alert. He gave us a sense of character by doing close ups of the character and his possessions. He gave us a sense of what may happen such as violence, crime and drama. He played a lot of soundtrack to show the mood of the atmosphere.

Lord of war

This is another opening that keeps us in suspense because again we want to know what is happening. This is because there are a lot of continuity shots that show different elements of war. The protagonist is smoking and reporting some news we assume here that he is a news reporter; here we are getting a sense of character. After this shot there is soft music being played very suttle, this is in contrast to what the director is showing we see a lot of fire arm and bullets. At this point as to what message the director is trying to show.

Directors’ commentary

Throughout the first scene the director wanted us to be in suspense so kept using different camera techniques and sounds. He kept a lot of attention on the firearm so we get a taster of what may appear in the movie. At the beginning when the protagonist is using dialogue its used to convey a message that firearms are accessible now a days. Lastly the first scene is also to give us a sense of place.

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