Opening sequence-Little Blue

Tuesday 10 November 2009

My group decided that we wanted to use a drama and fantasy genre because most of our fairytales were based on these gernres.

Fantasy Genre

Fantasy films are films with unique themes, it usually includes magic, supernatural events, make-believe creatures, or exotic fantasy worlds. Fantasy films exceed the bounds of human possibility and physical laws. Fantasy films are often in the background of the imagination, dreams, or hallucinations of a character or within the vision of the storyteller. Fantasy films often cosist of many factors like magic, myth, wonder, escapism, and the extraordinary. They may appeal to both children and adults, depending on the film film.

The boundaries of the fantasy literary genre are not well-defined, and the same is therefore true for the film genre as well. Categorizing a movie as fantasy may then require an examination of the themes, narrative approach and other structural factors of the film.

Films that depent on magic primarily as a gimmick, e.g. the 1976 film Freaky Friday and its 2003 re-make in which a mother and daughter magically switch bodies, may technically qualify as fantasy but are nevertheless not generally considered part of the genre.

The target audience are more likely to be young children from 8-17 years mainly women.

Drama Genre

A drama film is a film genre that depends mostly on in-depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes. Dramatic themes such as alcoholism, drug addiction, racial prejudice, religious intolerance, poverty, crime and corruption put the characters in conflict with themselves, others, society and even natural phenomena.
This film genre can be contrasted with an action film, which relies on fast-paced action and physical conflict but superficial character development.All film genres can include dramatic elements, but typically, films considered drama films focus mainly on the drama of the main issue.
Some well-known drama films include The Godfather (1972), The Shawshank Redemption (1994), and Schindler's List (1993).
Drama films have been nominated frequently for the Academy Award (particularly Best Picture) - more than any other film genre.
The target audience for drama is usually teenagers to adults. Depending on the type of drama depends on what type of audience.
Crime drama and Legal drama –This appeals more to male teenagers and adults.
Historical drama (epic) (including War drama) – This appeals to more middle age groups including both females and males.
Docudrama- This attracts more male adults.
Comedy-drama:- This appeals to most ages from 11 upwards.
Melodrama: -This appeals to more female teenagers and adults.
Romance –This appeals to female teenagers and adults from about 12 to about 30
Tragedy:-This can appeal to all ages.

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