Opening sequence-Little Blue

Monday 4 January 2010


2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Our opening focuses on a particular type of social group this through the type genre, setting and character. This includes props, music, setting and character.
The protagonist in our film is ‘’Little Blue’’
Little blue is a young girl aged 8 who is obsessed with fairytales books and spends most of her time reading, drawing and playing with her dolls, you see a lot of these aspects in our opening with the different props we used to represent her character. She’s a little girl in her own bubble very creative and artistic. She is warm hearted loving and caring and expects people around her to be the same, but as her stepsister is envious and cruel towards her she feels rejected and not loved by her wicked stepsister her character is similar to Cinderella’s stepsisters as they are envious of her, therefore this character is very relatable. She only wishes her sister could play the typical older sister who plays that perfect sisterly role model who protects and loves her. This is why little blue is always in her bubble and trying to live in her imaginative fairytale life. You see this in her room with her fairytale books and doll house, drawings, princess dress she wishes she had that lifestyle of a princess in a fairytale. You get a sense of character when shown in the photo that she is a bubbly loveable young girl we see as she is smiling and in her own world she is just a happy child. This is similar to Matilda who confides in her fairytale books as she is rejected by her family. Matilda and Little blue are similar because all the want to is loved and have that sense of belonging. Little blue’s character represents a lot of young girls who are interested in fairytales and share the same interest. We used little blue to convey a message in the story that we should care for one another.
Other social groups shown in our film is little blue’s parents. They are shown in the photo as loving parents as they are smiling and seem happy very typical happy family. Their character relates to the parents in spirited away parents so wrapped up in playing happy family they are unaware their daughter goes missing. They are also unaware that there is sibling rivalry happening between their children and because they are unaware it will continue. The parents assuming that they family is a perfect nuclear family, yet there lies a lot of hatred and sorrow within the family. This is similar to the character in Lanbriyth the little girl and her father do not get along but her mother is unaware and assumes everything is okay but in their household they show a smile to the mother but really they do not along.
Initially we didn’t have trouble finding cast because we already had in mind who we wanted to play little blue’s character. We were also able to get our cast members real parents to be in the frame so it looked real and believable. Our last cast member who was also in the photo played the stepsister was also good because of the use of costume and facial expression she really pulled her character of well.
As a group I feel we directed our cast member to the best of our ability. We acted out what we expected her to do be child like. In a few she shots our cast member struggled but after a few she progressed, another reason why we felt she progressed fast was because it was not difficult and we made it less complicated for her. In addition to this it went smoothly simply because she fit the description our little blue she was short skinny cute everything we was looking for. The costume we gave her helped as well with the hello kitty bag the cute blue jacket which really emphasized on her character more.

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