Opening sequence-Little Blue

Monday 4 January 2010


5. How did you attract/address your audience?
Our genre is fantasy so to appeal to our audience we had to make sure we gave aspects of fantasy to attract our audience. We made sure that we gave the audience what they expect even though we challenged some codes of convention we made sure it was very fantasy like. We know what expectations our audience want it’s just about how we convey them and keep them engaged.

Our film is fantasy so our audience expect there to be magic, so we have the magical door opening and introducing them to a child like room this is because we have a primary audience. We wanted our opening to adventurous and magical as possible. The setting was modern so our audience could relate to it more. Also the way our setting was laid out showing each aspect of our characters persona with the bedroom use of props etc

We also wanted to keep them in suspense when we zoomed into the stepsister so that our audience is familiar with villain, and as we all know in modern fantasy movies there is always a villain so the audience familiarize with this more. It then dissolved into flower lighting which keeps are audience in suspense as to why we did that and what her character may be?

In doing this we wanted to create wonder and tension with just that photo as it gives clues as to what our film is about, this is like Alice in wonderland where there is a lot to speculate and keep in audience engaged which is what we wanted to use in our opening. We felt this went well as people straight away got the concept of the film when the photo was seen. We had much feedback from our class and straight away they knew it was a fantasy genre which helped after many editing. Many of them wanted to know what will happen why there is family conflict cruelty etc.
We definitely wanted many aspects of our film to be relatable so we made it magical and typical so we attract our target audience so gave them exactly what they would expect with little twist like not using narration so we keep them in suspense etc. We used child like props which you see in our opening with the characters bag and doll house and because our audience are young they get an understanding more.
We also made sure there was a moral in our film not to be jealous and envious as you would get in fantasy movies socialising children into not following a villain footsteps as they always get punished for their actions, you get this in fantasy movies like Little red riding hood where children know to not follow the wolf and his behaviors’. We also got this idea from Edward scissor hand where the boyfriend was jealous of Edward and wanted wicked things to happen to Edward and as a result he ended up dying so we have some aspects where our target learn from this. We made sure our opening followed these conventions.

Another area where we attracted our audience is that we used family life to relate to our audience to engage with our opening more. We used high key lighting to make our opening more fairytale like and very magical. A camera technique we used was that we were constantly panning from left to right so we show the audience different child like props like the books and fairytale this is a technique used in Edward scissor hand where they panned and dissolved each of the makings of him.
We attracted and addresses the audience in the right way through lots of research giving them exactly what they expect and because of this I think we was successful through feedback and following guidance of research. Making sure we gave different elements you would find in a fantasy movie with the use of props, set layout lighting and many more.

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