Opening sequence-Little Blue

Tuesday 5 January 2010


7. Looking back at the your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product.

Preliminary task was set to train us as what we would expect in the main task like firstly looking for location, getting cast, props costume etc. The prelim task was a stepping stone and a learning process here we learnt a lot like continuity, cut away, action reaction, off shoulder, 180 degree and many more. The prelim task we came up with a simple storyline but used all these different elements. Our one was a character waiting on another character. It was difficult as it was our first time but also successful because every mistake we learnt from it so we would not do this is in our main task. In the prelim because we learnt so many new things we learnt how to use continuity in how main task when we are panning and other aspects like cut away and many more.

Firstly location in our prelim task was extremely difficult because we didn’t know what location we could use because we only had a day. Many difficulties with this because we set our location in a public place, so we had a lot of students going back and fourth so we had to keep stopping and starting. So from this in our main task we took time to find our location which would not affect our opening. Our one was set in a bedroom this was successful because we had no students interrupting having start and stop all the time which really helped us. We also learnt from our prelim task that if we shot our opening in a public place it was less likely that student would not walk past.

Another element I learnt from the prelim task was the weather if I was shooting outside and it was sunny then during the day it became rainy that would affect my continuity so me and my group made sure we set a our main task in an area where the weather would not affect us.

Thirdly finding cast members in our prelim task was not difficult because we were given cast but the difficult part is making sure your cast do exactly what you want hem to. In our prelim our main issue was that we never acted out to our cast how we wanted them to act we simply just let them do it their own way, which affected us slightly because we did not get exactly what we wanted form them. This helped in our main task so I knew that in order for me to get exactly what I want from them I would have to act it our so they know what to do.
Another aspect we learnt was sound, during our prelim task we didn’t acknowledge how important sound was so we had many unwanted sound like dialogue and because it was in a public place we had footsteps etc. This definitely helped in our main task because I could inform the group on sound being made and how we could make sure unwanted sound did not occur.

The prelim task was not known to a lot of us especially because many of us had not filmed before so we didn’t know what minor things would be helpful to us. In our prelim task we had no props or costume so it didn’t really make our film as real as it could’ve for example we didn’t have a watch so one character used her hand to symbolize the watch but it was not real and looked very cheesy. So for our main task we planned out our props and costume so our film was more believable and attractive we had teddies pens books etc made sure we had props that were fairy tale like.
In doing this task I feel I have learnt slot and progressed with using old skills but perfecting them and making them look sharp and updated with our location sound etc. I definitely developed skills from the prelim task it helped in many ways from learning from our mistake and perfecting them.

With the prelim task was a lesson used to show us what to expect in the real task from the prelim task we learnt how to use story boards, continuity sheets, using the clipper board etc. So when it came to our main task we developed our skills so nothing seemed extremely difficult because we had been trained already. The prelim task helped us with group work how share out different roles. We knew what hazards could occur from our location recee. The prelim task was definately helpful and useful. We over came problems, worked well as a group and gained some camera techniques. The prelim task prepared us and made us organized

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