Opening sequence-Little Blue

Monday 4 January 2010


3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

After your film has been completed with all the editing and titles etc, the question is how we can get our film distributed.
Now as we all know distributors is there to promote films to producers then viewers. Distributors uphold your film in ways you couldn’t like on buses, billboards DVDs etc. That is their job in selling our film.
Now due to the fact that it is made in school it is highly unlikely that our film will be distributed on posters, trailers. So we need to stick with something that isn’t too much hassle and cam help distribute your film.

There are a number of ways in which we could promote our film from media institutions from twitter to bebo but most popular one is face book or YouTube, with these there is a possibility that your film could be distributed and seen by a large amount of people. Another reason is that these two are the most used websites which gives your film more of a chance of being watched and promoted and if you’re lucky seen by a producer.

Face book has a large amount of people who use it; you have people from all over the world which use this site. So how can this help us? Well for one we post it on our page many people can then give commentary such as critiques, complimentary everything useful to us. Secondly users can become fans of our film and once a large amount of people become fans it becomes popular and attracts other people into watching our film. So through face book we can get commentary, fans and people to join our group all this over a film. This way is easier accessible to people and affordable because there is no payment in distributing our films.

Secondly YouTube is another source we can distribute our film to a large audience. Another positive aspect about this is that it can be spread people copy link and post it round which is really useful to us because we can have mini distributors with no fuss. YouTube is similar to face book because you are guaranteed to get comments whether they are good or bad.

An example of a distributor is film movement where they help independent film makers promote their film. One positive aspect about their distributor is that they don’t believe in marketising your film just for money but instead we are the boss’s of our films and say whether we want certain things used.

Another distributor is film marketing services

Distributors play an important role in advertising your film, they create enthusiasm for films. They do various screening which helps popularise your film. They create large audiences, getting lots of commentary and this is possible through festivals. Here we can show screening to different types of audiences where we have test screening, critique screenings and many more this is so we get feedback on our films and what changes we can add before showing it to viewers.

So there are a number of ways in which distributors up hold our films. They can marketize your film in many different ways and there are many of them which are now available to us.

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