Opening sequence-Little Blue

Monday 4 January 2010


4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
We have a primary audience who would be interested in our film. The audience who would watch our film is young children aged 6-13 females and males but mainly targeted at young females. This is due to the fact our protagonist is a young female and 6/10 fantasy movie use young children, this makes our opening more appealing for example in the chronicles of Narnia young children are used.
Our audience would be people young children who love fantasy movies who read a lot of fairytales stories etc. This story would relate to them because it’s an everyday thing family brother sisters parents etc so they engage with these types of films more. There are lot fantasy movie which have these typical themes as our one do so they relate to it more. Fantasy genre films appeal more to young children because its more believable to them and young children are intrigued by fantasy films. For young children they do not expect a lot as long as it is a typical fantasy theme, where as older audience may find it childish or unrealistic.
From when we started our film we aimed it at young children fantasy/children’s story because it relates to many fairytales such little red riding hood, Cinderella etc.
To stick with a fantasy genre we had many versions of little blue we had so many feedbacks to help improve our film. We made sure story appealed to young children it wasn’t too serious and we give young children what they want.
Over time we changed and evaluated our film many times after much feedback we got i.e.
Telling the story to quick
Not really appealing to young children
Using more of a drama genre
So because of this we did research on how to attract your chosen audience we learnt new tactics in ways our audience will enjoy our film make it more appropriate for them. We gave the audience what they see in popular fantasy films. We also made changes to our story board by taking out some shots and adding new ones. For example we changed our ending; before it was too serious we made it more appealing by just showing the photo frame and leaving a cliff hanger.
Films our audience may choose to watch are

Night at the museum

Christmas carol

Planet 51

Alien vs. monsters

Ice age 3

Harry potter

Alice in wonderland
The Chronicles of Narnia
Wizard of oz

Pirates of the Caribbean films


Spirited Away



Each film contains elements of magic mystery adventures which we would expect our type of audience to enjoy as it has typical fantasy themes.

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